Part Variation Modeling in Multi-Stage Production Systems for Zero-Defect Manufacturing


Multi-stage production systems concede for low error and failure margins within every single machining and assembly step to not degrade product quality. Especially during multi-stage production of rotating parts, minor defects during a single step can corrupt a workpiece beyond repair. Since multistage production systems are complex, inter-connected chains of machining steps, a global approach to handling and compensating error emergence and propagation is for reaching Zero-Defect Manufacturing indispensable. We introduce Part Variation Modeling within a knowledge capturing platform to monitor centrally gathered metrological data for deviations. Further, a parametric model is presented allowing for description of rotating parts and enabling identification of deviations at every stage. Based on our inter-stage correlation analysis technique, the parametric model enables description of Part Variation Modes of a piece given current machine states and historic deviation likelihood as will be presented.

Industrial Technology (ICIT 2019): 2019 IEEE International Conference on
Philipp Tempel
Philipp Tempel
Postdoctoral Research Associate

My research interests include continuum and flexible robots, multibody system simulation, and mechanical integrators.
