Parallele Seilroboter in Theorie und Praxis: Leichtbau, Energieeffizienz und hohe Dynamiken als Potential, Elastizität als Hauptherausforderung


Having high payload capacity, cable-driven parallel robots can move over large workspaces at high dynamics enabling this technology to be used for tasks beyond the possibilities of conventional industrial robots. The forces required for motion are generated by winches and are applied to the end effector by means of cables. Elasticity and flexibility of those cables provides a lot of potential - for theory and practice. Understanding the predominant influence of the cable’s dynamics on the movement of cable robots is a key challenge faced in this project.

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Philipp Tempel
Philipp Tempel
Postdoctoral Research Associate

My research interests include continuum and flexible robots, multibody system simulation, and mechanical integrators.
